Monday, October 19, 2015

The Controversial One

I've had such a hard time posting this painting on websites. I never once thought of it as indecent until Behance, my main online portfolio site, didn't let me advertise the piece to nonmembers. Just now I tried to upload it to Picassa Web Albums, and the site said the upload was denied. How hilarious!

I guess we could say this is my controversial painting, haha. Yes, I am showing a female nude very explicitly, but this piece has a message. You will notice that the figure's breast do not droop. They are perfect, just like a breast augmentation. Her body is the perfect combination of thin and fit, not too much or too little. Everything is perfect about her, except one thing. Her hair is falling out to her mortification. As a hairdresser, hair loss signifies exceptional stress. A body will shed its hair, when it has no other outlet to express its distress. Society has pushed this stress upon women by demanding we look and behave a certain way. We cannot be too much or too little. We cannot show our strength for what it is, because we are not supposed to be that strong or proud. This woman in the image is showing her raw strength, naked with the spotlight on her, but her hair is falling out from the pressure.
I had the vision for this painting at a different point in my life, but I think its feeling still pertains to my present and many other women's present life. I've had men make fun of this painting and one who vocally says its disturbing. On the other hand, I've had women tell me they love it. One said she is drawn to it in a way she doesn't understand. We women know. I have an inkling that the men know as well. They just can't face the reality of the subjugation. After all, if women keep getting boob jobs and stay pretty, who is it benefiting the most?

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